Good-Bye Billy Gillespie


By Darlene G. Snyder (find me on facebook)

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Right up front, I’ll tell you that I’m not one of those true blue fans. The only time I watch basketball or any sport for that matter is when my son is visiting and has control of the remote. I only enjoy watching University of Kentucky Basketball if they are winning.  This season there hasn’t been much for me to watch. I realize there are a lot of real fans out there who are down on Coach Gillespie and probably with good cause. I’ve heard many of the negative remarks about him and I’ve read a few on facebook and other online media.

All of this talk about basketball and contracts and forcasting of who the next coach will or will not be, seems – let me think of the right word – ah yes, trivial. I know there is a lot of money involved and all kinds of serious things to consider, but there is so much going on in our world  and in even our country, that to people in flooded North Dakota and tornado ravished Mississippi, Kentucky people must seem rather narrow minded.

I’m not trying to put Kentucky people down because I am a proud Kentuckian, but I will say that many Kentucky Basketball fans are somewhat opinionated and verbal. My son is one of those who have strong opinions related to this subject. Today, he called a radio station and particpated in a discussion regarding Billy Gillespie and the Kentucky baskeball program.

Like some of the people in my office (and family) have said about me, “You just don’t get it.”  They would be right because I just don’t get it.